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This is where there may be a huge accumulation of ice under the surface of Mars. This conclusion was made by European astronomers. They believe that if this ice melts, water will cover the planet with a two-meter layer. This volume would also be enough to fill the entire Red Sea.

The discovery was made with the help of the European Mars Express orbiter, which arrived at the Red Planet back in 2003. This formation on the surface was already studied in 2007. But it was unclear what these deposits consisted of: giant accumulations of dust or volcanic ash.

Now, 15 years later, new evidence shows that these are actually layers of ice covered in dust or ash several hundred meters thick.

Scientists now believe that Mars once looked very different from what it does today. It had glaciers, lakes and river beds.

In 2004, scientists from the European Mars Express mission confirmed the presence of ice on the Red Planet. And in 2015, NASA announced that Mars appears to have streams of salty water.

Scientists believe that the thickness of the ice deposits reaches three kilometers 700 meters. According to them, this is the largest amount of water ever found in this part of Mars.

Scientists note that such deposits are a tempting prospect for future human missions to the Red Planet.

But to get to a depth of about 300 meters, serious drilling will be required.

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